Social Work and Family

Author Details

Sinisa Franjic

Journal Details


Published: 9 March 2020 | Article Type :


Social work can be applied in all areas of human life, especially in the areas of social welfare, education, health, justice, local government, civil society, religious and humanitarian communities and other activities. Social workers are most often employed in public institutions, but increasingly in civil society organizations involved in working with individuals and groups experiencing various life difficulties. A social worker is an expert primarily concerned with the study and resolution of human social problems, such as living, nutrition and hygiene and material living and working conditions, as well as problems in interpersonal relationships and behavior of individuals (due to poverty, old age, illness, violence, addiction, crime, etc.). Social workers help people overcome social distress. These misfortunes can be caused by health and family problems, poverty, unemployment, crime, alcohol and drug addiction, as well as war or natural disasters. They seek direct counseling and specific information to help families and individuals identify their real problems, consider possible solutions and, first of all, come to their own end, or opportunities, with their own capabilities. Problems can be unemployment, reduction or loss of work skills, financial difficulties, problems arising from old age, illness, disability, unwanted pregnancy, asocial behavior, alcoholism or drug addiction - personal or family member.

Keywords: Social Work, Social Policy, Social Services, Health.

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How to Cite


Sinisa Franjic. (2020-03-09). "Social Work and Family." *Volume 3*, 2, 1-6